Machine learning in agent-based stochastic simulation: Inferential theory and evaluation in transportation logistics Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 1(2012), 2012.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Autonomous Logistics, Multi-agent Systems, Simulation
Real-time Spatio-temporal Analysis of Dynamic Scenes Knowledge and Information Systems, 27:1-37, 2011.
Keywords: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Dynamic Scenes, RoboCup, 3D Soccer Simulation League
An Agent-Based Approach to Autonomous Logistic Processes Küstliche Intelligenz, 24(2):137-141, 2010.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Autonomous Logistics, Multi-agent Systems, Simulation
Contributions to Conferences
Organizing Goal-oriented Knowledge Exchange in Multiagent Systems 1st Joint International Symposium on System-Integrated Intelligence 2012. New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering, to appear, 2012.
Keywords: Interacting Multiagent Learning, Argument based Machine Learning, Knowledge Management, Multiagent-based Simulation
Towards Multiagent Interactive Adaption of Individual Models for Decision Support 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Interoperability (IWSI 2012), pp.553-559, 2012.
Keywords: Interacting Multiagent Learning, Argument based Machine Learning, Knowledge Management, Multiagent-based Simulation
Modeling and Simulation of Operational Transport Collaboration: A Multiagent-based Approach Tagungsband des 6. Deutsch-Russischen Logistik Workshops, 2011.
Keywords: Groupage System, Collaborative Transport Planning, Knowledge Management, Multiagent-Systems
Anwendungspotentiale von Mixed-Reality-Simulationen in der Entwicklung selbststeuernder Montageprozesse 10. Paderborner Workshop Augmented & Virtual Reality in der Produktentstehung (Wissenschaftsforum Intelligente Technische Systeme 2011). Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Paderborn, Germany, 2011.
Keywords: Autonomous Control, Process Visualization, Multiagent-Systems
Agent-based Pickup and Delivery Planning: The Learnable Evolution Model Approach Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2011), pp.1-8, 2011.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Autonomous Logistics, Multi-agent Systems, Evolutionary Algorithms, Learnable Evolution Model
An Internet of Things for Transport Logistics - An Approach to Connecting the Information and Material Flows in Autonomous Cooperating Logistic Processes Proceedings of the 12th International MITIP Conference on Information Technology and Innovation Processes of the Enterprises, pp.54-67, 2010.
Keywords: Internet of Things, Auto-ID Technology, EPCglobal Architecture, Multi-agent Systems
Working Simulations with a Foundational Ontology European Conference in Artificial Intelligence. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Logistics (AILog), pp.67-72, 2010.
Keywords: Multiagent-based Simulation, Knowledge Representation, Foundational Ontologies
Towards Ontology-based Multiagent Simulations: The PlaSMA Approach 24th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2010), European Council for Modelling and Simulation, pp. 50-56, 2010.
Keywords: Multiagent-based Simulation, Knowledge Representation, Foundational Ontologies
Real-Time Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Dynamic Scenes in 3D Soccer Simulation RoboCup 2008: Robot Soccer World Cup XII, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, pp.366-378, 2009.
Keywords: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Dynamic Scenes, RoboCup, 3D Soccer Simulation League
SMIZE: A Spontaneous Ride-Sharing System for Individual Urban Transit Multiagent Szstem Technologies. Seventh German Conference (MATES 2009), Springer, pp.165-176, 2009.
Keywords: Multiagent-based Simulation, Ride Sharing
Project iWear -- Wearable IT Solutions In Proceedings of the IEEE Mechatronics & Robotics 2004, 1, pages 146-150 Aachen. IEEE; 09/2004
Keywords: Wearable Computing, HCI
Contributions to Collections
Intelligent Modelling and Control for Autonomous Logistics Advances in Intelligent Modelling and Simulation: Artificial Intelligence-based Models and Techniques in Scalable Computing. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, 2012.
Keywords: Multiagent-Systems, Learnable Evolution Model (LEM)
Knowledge Management for Agent-based Control under Temporal Bounds In: Hülsmann, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Windt, K. (eds.): Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp.229-246, 2011.
Keywords: Multiagent-Systems, Knowledge Management, Autonomous Logistics
Technical Reports
learnable Evolutionary Optimization in Autonomous Pickup and Delivery Planning Technical report, TZI - Center for Computing and Communication Technologies, Universität Bremen, 11/2010
Keywords: Multi-agent-Systems, Learnable Evolution Model (LEM)
Virtual Werder 3D Team Documentation Technical report, TZI - Center for Computing Technologies, Universität Bremen, 08/2006
Keywords: RoboCup, 3D Soccer Simulation League, Multiagent-Systems, ...
Probleme und Chancen der Benutzer- schnittastellen bei Wearable Computern Technical report, Research Center for Sustainability Studies (artec), Universität Bremen, 10/2004
Keywords: Mobile HCI, HCI Evaluation
RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation League in Bremen - Virtual Werder 3D 01/2008
Keywords: RoboCup, 3D Soccer Simulation, Humanoid Simulation
Keywords: Analysis of Dynamic Scenes, Qualitative Knowledge, Pattern Matching, Expert System, Knowledge Representation, Prolog
For short intros to my thesis topic you may refer to the presentation slides below which were used to document my research progress over the course of the thesis period of six months.